Britain By 2025, self-driving cars will be widespread on the streets.

Self-driving cars like Tesla’s are fairly common in some British cities, and companies like Google are testing autonomous vehicles in the US. The technology relies on multiple cameras and range-finding lasers to detect and detect vehicles, pedestrians and other obstacles. Some proponents say it could make roads safer and less driver error, but the testing and rules and regulations surrounding the technology are still being developed.

The government is advising on safety, saying that new laws will make manufacturers responsible for the actions of vehicles, so that self-driving cars are fully controlled, meaning that a human driver is not responsible for an accident. Schaps said, “It is important for the government to study how these vehicles interact with other road users on different roads and in changing weather conditions. However, the ultimate reward is worth pursuing in terms of saving thousands of lives and improving the lives of the elderly and less mobile.

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