Why You Need a Hardwired Connection for Gaming

Why You Need a Hardwired Connection for Gaming

Love your gaming setup, but not sure if a Wi-Fi connection will cut it? It might not. Here’s why you need a hardwired connection for gaming.

Why It’s Nice

Compared to Wi-Fi, an ethernet connection is faster and more reliable. Even if you have great high-speed internet, sometimes Wi-Fi glitches out. With a wired connection, you won’t have to worry about lag or getting kicked off because the Wi-Fi cut out.

When You Need It

If you play a lot of online games or online co-op with friends, you should probably make the switch. It’s also worth it if your Wi-Fi is currently frustrating you due to its slow speeds. Your gaming time will be a lot more enjoyable if you aren’t constantly fighting with your router.

It’s also worth considering the other people you live with. If your game is running fine, but it’s hogging all the Wi-Fi and making everyone else’s internet slow, make the switch to a hardwired connection. It isn’t worth making your roommates or family upset over.

How To Set It Up

First, you’ll need to move your computer setup near an ethernet port. There should be one in your wall, usually close to the floor. The only other thing you’ll need is an ethernet cable.

Ideally, choose a short ethernet cable. The longer the cable, the slower the connection. You’ll want it exactly the length you need from the wall to your computer, plus a little extra for slack.

To set it up, simply plug one end of the ethernet cable into the computer and the other into the ethernet port. If it’s giving you trouble, look over this guide to basic network cable troubleshooting. You’ll be gaming in no time!

Once you switch to a hardwired connection for gaming, we doubt you’ll ever switch back.

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