Will Musk bite on Apple’s in-app purchase fees after buying Twitter? • TechCrunch

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TechCrunch’s Top 3

Startups and VCs

Asset management firm Stone Ridge has launched Wolf, a startup dedicated to developing Bitcoin-focused applications. The program consists of four cohorts per year, each consisting of eight to 12 or 30 to 50 founders from around the world for eight weeks at a time to focus on building a lightning network centered on the New York City Bitcoin Center. and the Tarot Protocol, Wolf CEO Kelly Brewster said Jacqueline.

Today, for a series of climate talks organized by global venture firm SOSV; Connie He spoke to renowned investor Chris Saka. In their chat, Saka dismissed the question of whether efforts like carbon capture could work at scale. (“The naysayers really turn me on.”) He also said that — naturally — “we’re going to have a number of trillion-dollar companies coming out of our portfolio.” It became a fairly broad discussion.

More? More!

Investors are sitting on mountains of cash: where is it going?

Image Credits: H-gal (Opens in a new window) / Getty Images

Whatever happens in the public market, bees make honey and capitalists collect money: that’s all they do.

But since the “tremendous price correction” in the public markets, VCs are increasingly collecting dry powder, Irving investors Jeremy Abelson and Jacob Sonnenberg wrote.

More disappointing news for founders: Investor fundraising is “on pace to end the year at $172 billion,” but capital deployments have slowed.

“Dollars are flowing and will continue to flow, but it will be more capital for small companies,” they write. Now “traditional SaaS is too expensive and full of secondary” sectors such as web3, life sciences and agtech will attract more investors, he predicts.

Three more from the TC+ team:

TechCrunch+ Our membership program helps founders and startup teams stay ahead of the pack. You can register here.. Use code “DC” for 15% off annual subscription!

Big Tech Inc.

Kirsten Some recent news has suggested that Ford and VW’s autonomous vehicle startup Argo AI will be shut down and parts of it will be absorbed by the two companies. This story is still developing, so check back for more, especially feedback from the companies in question.

Who doesn’t love when a good fraction screams at them? Duolingo certainly doesn’t. Natasha M The Duolingo enthusiast writes that the fractions you need will be shouted out as part of the official new math app, which has now been released after spending a few months in beta.

And we have five more for you:

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