YouTube and the ability to add ads

There’s nothing more annoying than back-to-back ads before you watch a video or after you’ve gotten to the bottom of the video. As if YouTube isn’t testing its users’ patience enough these days, there are rumors that YouTube has tested five non-skippable ads in two places. The app seems determined to teach its users the virtues of patience, or perhaps pushing them to switch to AdBlock. Twittertown is not happy about the prospect and threat of sitting through five unskippable ads, and their anger is palpable as they chant Adblock.

Ads and more ads

Users don’t seem to have the patience to watch five full unskippable ads, and for those who are intimidated by this torture, Adblock is a knight in shining armor. Let’s take a look at a couple of tweets and reactions on Twitter to see how much users enjoy YouTube ads and how far they’ll go to avoid them.

Well, at least the app is blocking Adblock.

Talk about torture without weapons

It’s safe to say that ads are really adversarial, and they add to frustration and anger.

YouTube is really forcing people to go premium at this point.

OK, you asked

Couldn’t agree more.

YouTube is clearly not ready to give up. Neither do the users, it seems.

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