Everything you need to know


Effective cyber security is as important to the success of any business as capital funding, skill mix, innovation and good management in today’s world. This has been particularly the case over the past two years as the widespread shift to remote and hybrid work has made both individuals and organizations more vulnerable to cyberattacks. And not only are users on open networks more vulnerable to these attacks, cybercrime is becoming more sophisticated every day.

Large companies have the benefit of firewalls, dedicated IT departments and advanced security protocols, but they are also vulnerable to cybercrime, so SMMEs must be vigilant about threats to both business information and continuity.

However, many do not know where to start to prevent cyberattacks, data theft and malicious attacks.

It is the fore-mentioned arm.

The first line of defense against cybercrime is awareness and vigilance – and there is good reason to be vigilant. In the year In 2021 alone, 230 million cyber threat investigations were conducted in South Africa, with phishing attempts being the most common.

96% of businesses and organizations in the country were targeted by this attack during the year, and the number targeted by data and business email attacks is not far behind.

And these are no longer simple endpoint attacks. Criminal syndicates have developed complex and multi-level operations designed to compromise computer networks at their most vulnerable points. Usually their people.

All it takes is one careless click on a suspicious link in an email and the damage is done. This is how most cybercriminals gain access to sensitive information and bank accounts, or deliver malicious software such as ransomware.

Ransomware, designed to shut down computer systems until a ransom is paid, accounts for 75% of known ransomware used to attack three out of four organizations worldwide.

What is the solution?

In SMEs, where entrepreneurs and their employees multitask, protecting personal and network computers from attacks can seem like a daunting task.

Of course, there are some important steps that anyone who uses a computer should take.

For starters, it’s important not to use the same password across multiple platforms, as this makes it more difficult for hackers to access all of our online accounts. You should also be alert for suspicious links in an unexpected email, even one that appears to be from a reputable service provider.

Cybercriminals spoof messages from legitimate organizations, hoping to catch users unawares. In fact, it’s a good rule of thumb to never put hyperlinks in an email. Practice copying hyperlinks and opening them separately in your browser instead. And always remember the golden rule: think before you click.

The importance of training

Ideally, all staff members who use computers, whether individually or on a network, should attend cyber security training provided by an established and reputable service provider so that they can understand cybercriminals and their operations.

As much as individuals and businesses benefit from new technologies, so do hackers. Many use AI tools, such as machine learning, to identify data that could put computers or networks at risk – and many use bots to enhance their phishing attacks.

Cybersecurity skills are just as important to business as operational, financial and management skills – and training can help entrepreneurs and their employees understand more than the basics. Regular training, for example, helps them identify and strengthen vulnerable points in the business’s IT and information systems.

You will also learn more about how AI works, the metaverse and blockchain technology – and how using these technologies can create system vulnerabilities. Most importantly, you’ll learn all about ways to secure business technology and data systems.

The bottom line is that data is one of the most valuable assets in any business today and with so much sensitive information online now, nothing can be left to chance.


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