The indigenous fashion model finds success in the sober lifestyle


An Indigenous fashion model who went from a Saskatchewan First Nation to the bright lights of Los Angeles says a childhood promise to his parents keeps him grounded in a tough industry.

The Thomas River grew up in the Saulteaux First Nation, about two hours northwest of Saskatoon. From a young age, he saw the effects of unhealthy coping mechanisms in his community. He wanted to be a positive role model, so he made a promise.

“When I was very young, I promised my mom that I would never drink or do drugs,” said Thomas, as he went home for the holidays. “And to this day I have kept that promise.”

He says his parents trusted him more and he was able to be more independent after the engagement.

“I made that promise and growing up, they always let me follow that moral compass and they were never really strict with me,” he said.

Thomas started modeling from a young age.

“I was at the Frontier Mall in North Battleford and my sisters and I were asked to model for a fashion show at the mall,” Thomas told CTV News.

He did the show and never thought much of it until he was 20.

“I was approached by a lady named Tishynah Buffalo, she asked me to model in Regina for a fashion show. And I’ve been doing that ever since.”

Thomas never saw himself as a model, despite being offered contracts by modeling agencies. He knew he wanted to pursue education beyond high school.

Instead, he spent six years with the 38th Combat Engineer Regiment in the military reserves. Then, after being discovered at a volleyball tournament, he was recruited to Olds College.

“Just last year I graduated with a degree in surface land management,” Thomas said. “I have this under my belt, I can start my career whenever I want. I can come back to this. Now I can follow this pattern.”

Since moving to Los Angeles, Thomas has been all over the world, featured in Vogue magazine, appeared in commercials and met amazing people.

But he bears the responsibility of being the role model he always wanted as a child, despite the stereotypes.

“I walk in and there are already 10 stereotypes about me, about my people based on ignorance,” Thomas said. “I choose the life I live to break all those stereotypes. That’s why I stay sober, that’s why I keep my hair long.”

The young model recently learned an important life lesson.

“One of the most important lessons we are taught is everything you do affects seven generations before you. So we always look to the future,” he said.

“I don’t have kids yet, but I have a bunch of nieces and nephews,” he said. “All I do is show them it’s possible because I never had anyone tell me it was possible growing up in Saskatchewan.”

Thomas says it’s not the only thing, but choosing a sober lifestyle has helped him be successful in life.

“While you are young, make this choice to be prudent. It really helps. It’s not everything, it doesn’t solve the puzzle, but it really helps.”

Thomas says he’s enjoying every opportunity in California, but he’ll never forget where he comes from.

“Someone recently asked me: Where is my favorite place in the world? I said home,” Thomas said. “I’ve traveled the world, but there’s nothing like home. To have my people here, to have my family, my reserve where I grew up and my ancestors grew up. I really love it to be at home more than anything else in the world.”


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