A test told me that my brain and liver are older than they should be. Should I be worried??


I was 35 years old when I took the test. And my result indicated that my biological age is 35. This shows that I am aging normally compared to other people for whom we have data. But the company that conducted the test has since improved its offering. A few months ago, he reanalyzed my results to give me individual biological ages for nine systems, including my brain, liver, heart, and blood.

Despite a plant-based diet and regular yoga, I was dismayed to discover last year that I was biologically no younger than average. So imagine how frustrating it must be to find out that my biological brain age is four years older than my chronological age. My liver is a shocking seven years older. Yes, I’m British, but I don’t think I drink. That’s what he said. a lot of. How much should we read for such results?

The first aging clocks developed a decade ago were designed to analyze epigenetic marks on DNA from saliva samples. These markers are chemicals that attach to DNA and control how our genes make proteins. Studies have shown that the patterns of these indicators are consistent with age. Scientists can train algorithms just by analyzing a person’s age.

Since then, scientists have improved the technology. New watches include not only your epigenetic marks, but other health biomarkers like blood sugar levels and white blood cell counts. These tests may give us some idea of ​​a person’s biological age — not just how many birthdays they’ve passed, but how long they can expect to live a healthy life.

Today there are many old age watches. Some are developed for specific organs, while others are developed for specific animal species. Some analyze blood samples, others evaluate the microbiome. The test I took last year, developed by the company Elysium, uses saliva samples and assesses epigenetic markers.

The team at Elysium has since extended the testing period. Send in a small tube of saliva, and soon you’ll be told not just your overall biological age, but the specific biological age of your heart, brain, liver, kidneys, and blood. your metabolic, immune and hormonal systems; And they call it your inflammatory system.


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