AI lobbyists, and delayed electric planes


Nathan E. Sanders is a data scientist and fellow at the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University. Bruce Schneier is a security technology expert and fellow and lecturer at the Harvard Kennedy School.

Lobbying has long been part of the give-and-take between policymakers and debaters as they work to balance their competing interests, but some corporate entities are adept at using legal-but-sneaky tactics to tilt the rules in their favor.

AI tools make these types of fraudulent tactics more widespread and effective. A natural opening for this technology is in the form of micro-legalization, which is the term for small proposed laws that meet narrow needs.

Computer models can predict the fate of proposed legislative reforms as well as ways lobbyists can effectively secure their desired outcomes, a critical component of creating an AI lobbyist.

The danger of micro-legislation – greatly exacerbated by AI – is that the law can be used in a way that makes it difficult to know who it really benefits. Read the full story.

The runway is still long for future electric planes.

The news: For at least one startup, its future flight has been delayed. Today, Beta Technologies has pushed back future electric planes that can take off and land like helicopters. Instead, it announced plans to certify the more conventional electric plane in 2025.


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