ANNUAL: FAT 13 – Atlantic-Pacific


Thirteen years ago today, when I was 24 years old and living in San Francisco, I started a little blogspot site called Atlantic-Pacific. Now, all these years later, I am very lucky to say that sharing style and fashion with you all has become my career and one of the most fun, rewarding, stressful, unpredictable, exciting and fulfilling journeys of my life. Over the past decade plus, there have been numerous moves, new jobs, amazing collaborations and endless partnership opportunities. I’ve been able to work with some of my favorite brands as well as some of the most incredible people in the industry – all because of your support. I am so grateful for your site visits, likes, comments, DMs, emails and general support over these past 13 years. I am very lucky.

I’ve learned a lot about myself through Atlantic-Pacific and I’m very proud to have grown with the industry as it has evolved and exploded into what it is today. I love getting messages from readers who have followed me since the beginning and remember the days of shooting cameras and hanging out on cool SF rooftops. I also love hearing from those of you who are just starting to follow, and like me, are drawn to the color, drama and whimsy of fashion. Over the years there have been many in the industry who have shown me so much love and inspired me, from my fellow influencers, to my business friends and mentors, to brand partners who, after years of partnership, now feel like collaborators.

I’m very excited for what 2023 has in store – including one of my favorite collaborations to date – which launches this Wednesday. Atlantic-Pacifc X LAKE includes 16 sleep styles to love and will drop on 3/22. PS you can shop a day early on 3/21 by signing up here!

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for being a part of this fashion community that we have created together. I hope to continue to share and I hope to continue to inspire for many more years to come.



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