Aventurine invests in early stage startups to help them grow


“There’s a ton of it. According to David Van Wie, founder and chief investment officer at Aventurine Capital Group, things can move out of the lab and into practical applications that can impact the lives of everyone on the ground. This summarizes the problem that the IP-Future Accelerator is trying to solve. It’s undermining companies — and hoping to let inventors and intellectuals get on with what they’re doing. they Do the best – it’s a winning formula.

Aventuri focuses on where venture capital typically doesn’t go: it reaches out early to support people who aren’t natural entrepreneurs and invests in IP for the long term using what it calls a Perpetual IP Income Fund, or PIPI Fund. If it sounds like the opposite of rapid growth and timed out, that’s right. But the team believes that’s okay, and maybe VCs don’t need to be in the big fat anytime soon.

“This is a researcher who’s spent 20 years chasing something. That’s how Aventurine describes who it wants to fund. They caught the chemistry bug, and they’ve devoted their whole life to chemistry. They’ve got a PhD, they’ve gone to university, and they’ve done something,” said Joe Maruschak, managing director of the company’s Aventurine Investment Studio. They got it.

The main point of Aventerine’s thesis is that academics do not have to be entrepreneurs in order for their discoveries or inventions to be prepared and brought to market and ultimately have an impact on the world. He understands that a researcher’s skill set is not the same as a founder’s and they shouldn’t be forced to learn how to do it overnight.


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