Black entrepreneurs ring the Nasdaq bell


Nasdaq on Friday He hosted the New Voice Foundation and Essence Ventures, inviting some of the most prominent black experts in venture and behind the scenes to help open up the markets.

This isn’t the first time Nasdaq has celebrated Black History Month, but some attendees commented that “history has been made.” And of course this opening bell felt different. Sheila Nieves BernieThe founder of Zane Capital told TechCrunch that the day feels like all black ancestors looked down on them, calling them “great job.” “We rang the bell for Zane and the black and brown people who built Wall Street but were denied access to the wealth.”

For the investor Tiana Tux, the experience felt more like ringing a bell. “On the surface, Friday’s ceremony was about opening the Nasdaq, but for us the experience meant opening doors for ages and generations to come,” he told TechCrunch. “When the bell rings, I thought, somewhere, someone like us, hearing the call and knowing that one day will come, and we’ll cheer them on.


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