How to incorporate Web3 games into your Web 2.0 strategy – TechCrunch


Although demand is growing From Web 2.0 companies, Web3’s explosion into the mainstream, coupled with the technology’s increasing complexity, has drawn many back. Much confusion has arisen about how to properly integrate the technology with Web 2.0 business models in a way that adds value to the customer and does not disrupt existing revenue. There is also a lot of healthy skepticism – is web3 enabling meaningful new user experiences, or is it just a false bubble complicating what is possible in web 2.0?

However, there is clear value in blockchain technology, and the gaming industry is poised to be a hotbed for mainstream adoption.

While it is not yet clear what the winning models for Web3 games will be, the next growth in blockchain adoption is likely to be driven by gaming and virtual experiences. Web3 Gaming’s overall vision is to empower players with more control, reward them for their value, and lower the bar so that only the 0.1% of players can make a living playing games.

To prepare for the transition to web3 content, web 2.0 organizations need to think about how a brand can exist in a traditional gaming environment.

If that can be achieved, Web3 Gaming will fundamentally change the career choices of millions and the entertainment industry for everyone.

Despite how promising this opportunity is, it can be a daunting prospect for many Web 2.0 brands looking to take advantage of the benefits offered by Web3 games. So where do we start?

Take baby steps

Non-gaming brands have tapped into the potential of gaming to build awareness with younger audiences. Fortnite has become famous for this type of activation in their game, such as the recent Balenciaga X Fortnite collaboration.

But the key difference in the blockchain game is that business activity is already built into the core of the game. The same activation therefore takes the player from brand awareness to conversion less than normal gameplay.


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