Israel wants high-tech companies to invest outside of Tel Aviv

‘Suburbs have untapped potential and should be freed from ‘Tel Aviv State”

According to data recently published by the Israel Innovation Authority, Tel Aviv has 2,383 high-tech companies struggling to develop in this sector at the expense of cities in the north and south.

The government has set itself a national goal to increase the number of people employed in high-tech jobs to 15 percent by 2026.

At the same time, it is moving to establish high-tech companies away from the county’s congestion center – in areas known in Israel as the ‘periphery’.

According to the report, Israel would benefit from investing in the suburbs in various ways, stressing that it would solve the labor shortage in the high-tech sector and solve the problem of diversity in the workforce.

In addition, it can benefit not only cities and their residents, but also the entire field.

This is the key to equal opportunities and reducing government social gaps, the report concluded.

According to Israeli officials, “suburbs have untapped potential and should be freed from Tel Aviv territory.”

Beer Sheva, known as the “Capital of the Negev”, for example, has important anchor points including university centers such as Ben-Girion University and SEE-Shamun College of Engineering, Soroka Medical Center and Hi-Tech. Park.

However, there are still a few startups in the desert city.

A larger national plan may be needed to encourage, develop, invest in, and establish high-tech companies outside the Tel Aviv bubble.

In particular, a significant tax incentive may encourage companies to leave the hinterland and invest in the sector. Jerusalem Post He reported.

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