OpenAI data risk, and screens in schools


OpenAI has just over a week to comply with European data protection laws following a temporary ban in Italy and multiple investigations in other EU countries. Failure to do so may result in severe penalties, forced deletion of data, or suspension.

But experts told the MIT Technology Review that OpenAI is unlikely to comply with the rules. That’s because the data used to train his AI models was gathered: by scraping content off the internet. Read the full story.

– Melissa Heikkila

How to teach children to switch between books and screens

In the year With schools closed in 2020 due to the pandemic, almost all students are learning on school-issued laptops or tablets. But many experts doubt that technology can change how we read, since reading on a screen is fundamentally different from reading on the page.

Researchers who study the minds and behavior of young readers are eager to understand exactly where technology can and does hinder children’s reading progress. Because the questions are still so new, the answers are often unclear.

Educators who depend more than ever on digital technology to aid learning have little or no guidance on how to balance screens and paper books. In many ways, every teacher is a wing. Read the full story.


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