Reassuring Ways To Monitor Your Baby’s Growth at Home

Reassuring Ways To Monitor Your Baby’s Growth at Home

When you’re a new parent, it can feel all-consuming to keep up with your baby’s development and needs. Know that you are not alone when overwhelmed by what’s on your plate. And when you’re looking for ways to monitor your baby’s growth, use some of these tips and suggestions.

Track Your Baby’s Weight

Investing in a scale specifically designed for an infant can be one of the most beneficial things you do in monitoring your baby’s growth at home. These are accessible with immediate results.

Infant scales require a little more investment than a kitchen or bathroom scale but often deliver increased accuracy. Should your baby’s weight indicate a lack of growth, it may be best to partner with your medical providers to discuss feeding needs and options. Regardless of scale choice, weighing a baby at home serves as one of the most reassuring things for many new parents.

Encourage Playtime

Snuggle your baby as much as possible, but also encourage and support playtime. Playtime with newborns is brief because they are building stamina. But things like tummy time, black and white flashcards, and noisemakers can help them develop and learn about the world around them.

Some parents invest in play gyms that feature overhead-hanging toys. Another great option is low-sitting mirrors where the baby can begin to see themselves and learn how to display emotions. When your baby grows increasingly interested in playtime, it’s an excellent sign their development is steady and strong.

Trust Their Cues

Learn your baby’s cues early on during the postpartum period so that you can accommodate them when they communicate. Without any sense of language, newborns communicate with their bodies. Use these cues to your advantage to ensure you’re meeting their needs and can understand their emotions.

Some common cues you can trust include:

  • A closed fist often signals a hungry baby.
  • Redness or rubbing the eyes will signal tiredness.
  • Suckling noises or rooting around can also indicate hunger.
  • Smiles and a joyful spirit are good indications it’s time to play.

Measure Your Baby With a Soft Tape Measure

After investing in an appropriate scale system to weigh your baby on-demand, consider adding a soft tape measure to their diaper station. These are inexpensive and can help you measure their length and head circumference.

These measurements play vital roles in monitoring a baby’s growth, and the soft tape measure can help you achieve this at home without waiting to get them to the doctor. You may want to ask your doctor for a chart or reference sheet for tracking the numbers and seeing where your baby lands.

Consider the Milestones a Solid Reference

There are several milestones in the first few years of life, especially in the first year. Their first word, their first crawl, and their first step are all milestones. Remain open to the idea that your baby may not hit these milestones exactly when you expect. Instead, expect your baby to reach milestones within a range, or window, of time.

These windows range from several days to a few months. If your baby falls into these ideal timeframes for each milestone, rest assured they are on track.

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