Yidu Tech released its 2022 ESG report using socially beneficial technology to promote the sustainable development of “green healthcare”.


hong kong, August 3, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The digital economy, powered by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (“AI”) and big data, has become one of the drivers of economic growth since the COVID-19 pandemic. China The core strategy of “digitalization, intelligence and innovation”. The value of a public health management model powered by digital technologies and AI is further proven to tackle the pandemic. Yidu Tech Inc. (“Yidu Tech” or the “Company”, stock code: 2158.HK) recently submitted its 2022 ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Report (the “Report”). The report outlines how Yidu Tech, as a leader in the healthcare intelligence industry, is proactively responding to the 14th Five-Year Digital Economy Development Plan and improving its ESG management structure. Yidu Tech is driving a change in supply-side thinking with technologies such as AI, big data and cloud computing to promote accessible precision “green healthcare”.

New technologies help make healthcare accessible to everyone

Guided by the overall ESG strategy and management system, Yidu Tech has incorporated the “Concept of Sustainable Development” into its daily business operations. According to the report, Yidu Tech will use its technological advantages to create social value in areas such as pandemic response and public health management.

In terms of streamlining public health management, Yidu Tech provides solutions to make infectious disease risk prediction and regional public health management more accurate and efficient. Especially in economically developed regions, the company’s solutions help authorities achieve efficient resource allocation and reduce deaths. The company’s forecast and simulation models have been verified in 18 cities, incl Beijing, NanjingAnd Guangzhou. With a deep understanding of epidemiology and the laws of infectious disease transmission, advanced AI technologies and algorithms can tackle all 40 infectious diseases identified by the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“China CDC”). In collaboration with the China CDC, the company has developed an “External Covid-19 Data Analysis and Risk Assessment Platform” to help make accurate decisions.

To improve people’s health and quality of life, Yidu Tech provides AI-driven automated management tools for diabetes patients to achieve personalized strategies and treatment plans for various users. A case study showed that the average glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) of users decreased by approximately 1% after twelve weeks of intervention. In addition, Yidu Tech enables early prevention and treatment of chronic hepatitis B through healthcare knowledge. The company has been deeply involved in a project on early prevention and treatment of chronic hepatitis B in Huazhou. ChinaIn cooperation with Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University and medical institutions at all levels to jointly establish a four-level hierarchical diagnosis and treatment model. This project involved more than 100,000 residents and at the pre-diagnosis stage correctly diagnosed more than 20,000 high-risk tumor patients and prevented the progression from hepatitis B to cirrhosis and liver cancer. The implementation of the project will help to test additional models for the prevention and treatment of chronic hepatitis B in hospitals and communities in rural areas, encouraging accurate and active life cycle health management by rural residents.

Yidu Tech offers customized solutions to expand medical coverage and access Hui Min Bao Services, city-level supplementary insurance to the existing national social medical insurance, for 22 cities, incl Beijing and 13 prefecture-level cities in Jiangsu district, effectively improving the protection of the elderly and seriously ill patients, and reducing the risk of financial problems caused by illness. Using its AI technology and extensive disease insights, the company has provided technical services to authorities in northern cities China, more than 90% accuracy of pre-existing conditions identified by the algorithm. Yidu Tech also provides operational services Hui Ta BaoA comprehensive medical insurance product tailored specifically for women for critical illnesses. Hui Ta Bao It correlates breast and cervical cancers with screening outcomes, increases screening participation rates, and protects women from cancer.

In the field of enhancing new drug research and development, Yidu Tech helps pharmaceutical companies design clinical trials with greater precision and reduce the cost of new drug research and development using an autonomous healthcare AI platform. The company helped a partner improve the R&D design of a new drug to treat a rare disease. As a result, the phase II clinical trial was shortened by about 20 months. The fiscal year is over. 31 March 2022The company assisted a leading MNC client in a phase 3 clinical trial of cardiovascular disease, successfully doubling recruitment efficiency and reducing screening failure rates by 60%.

Obedient works to build a reliable foundation for security

In the field of compliance, Yidu Tech has invested heavily in the field of privacy and information security and is one of the top three healthcare technology companies in healthcare technology. China Must be certified by China Academy of Information and Communication Technology (CAICT) for secure multi-party computing and federal learning skills. The fiscal year is over. 31 March 2022The company has accumulated 1,111 registered patents and 558 patents, and has acquired 251 new patents and 130 new patents. In addition, the medical information intelligent platform core module and special disease intelligent scientific research platform core module developed by Yidu Tech passed the China Information Technology Security Evaluation Center (CNITSEC) evaluation and obtained the independent original product evaluation certificate, making Yidu Tech the first healthcare. A technology company to successfully obtain this certificate.

Technological innovation and full commitment to green jobs

In addition to implementing sustainable business practices, Yidu Tech integrates the concept of green development into YiduCore’s daily operations, actively promoting energy conservation and emission reduction, thereby reducing its negative impact on the environment. With the rapid development of cloud computing and big data, the energy consumption needs of data centers are increasing, the construction of green data centers has become an important demonstration of Yidu Tech’s commitment to corporate social responsibility. The use of large-scale trained language models allows some tasks to achieve an additional 5%-10% improvement in model efficiency, and significantly improves data processing efficiency by reducing the annotation rate by 80%-90%. Most of Yidu Tech’s data center servers use platinum power supplies with a power consumption factor of 0.94, which allows the company to save energy and reduce emissions.

Promoting the welfare of workers and creating a fair and diverse collective future

Yidu Tech continues to build a fair, diverse and inclusive work environment so that female employees have equal opportunities for career advancement and influence at all levels. Female employees make up more than half of the total workforce, and the board of directors has an equal number of women and men, which means that the representation of women is much higher than the international average.[1]. At the highest level, the CEO and CFO are both women. Yidu Tech has implemented the “Dandelion Project” to spread the group’s “natural and kind” culture to cities across the country by listening to the voices of employees. This project was carried out continuously Chengdu, Chongqing, Tianjin, Wuhan, Nanjing, Shanghai And other cities, it increases the sense of ownership of city workers.

In the future, Yidu Tech will persevere with the mission of “making value-based and accurate health care accessible to everyone” by using its technological advantages to provide accurate and efficient medical services, reducing and reducing the wastage of medical resources. The cost of new drug development to build a greener future with the power of technology.

[1] Women on Boards: 2021 Progress Report Published by MSCI, the share of female directors in MSCI ACWI index companies in 2021 was 22.6%.

About Yidu Tech Inc.

Founded in 2014, Yidu Tech Inc. (“Yidu Tech”, stock code: 2158.HK) has been focused on the development and application of healthcare information since its inception. The team focuses on solving the pain points of intelligent applications in the three main healthcare contexts: public health, research and diagnostics, and medicine. health care system. in January 2021Yidu Tech was successfully listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Yidu Tech mainly operates in three business areas: Big Data Platform and Solutions, Life Science Solutions and Health Management Platform and Solutions that support medical and clinical research, health management, public health management and innovative medicine development. The industry aims to reduce costs and improve efficiency by aiming to make value-based, authentic health care accessible to all.

Source Yidu Tech


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