Drivers Sue Tesla Alleging False Advertising Over Autopilot Technology

The owner of Tesla sued the electric car maker on Wednesday, accusing the company of falsely promoting its own Autopilot technology and misleading customers about the technology’s capabilities.

California resident Briggs Matko – who bought a new Tesla Model X in 2018 – has filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of himself and other customers who “never received the self-driving car that Tesla promised them.”

Matco paid an additional $5,000 for Tesla’s Autopilot technology, which the company suggests will allow the car to drive completely on its own in some situations and will soon work in all situations. However, Matsko Tesla never delivered on his promise.

Although these promises have been repeatedly proven false, Tesla and (CEO Elon) Musk continue to garner media attention, convince consumers that it has unrivaled technology, and establish itself as a leading player. The rapidly growing electric vehicle market,” the lawsuit said.

The lawsuit alleges that a Tesla vehicle will complete a fully self-driving trip to the United States in 2016, and another will complete it starting in 2019. He pointed to a tweet from Musk in 2016. By the end of the year, he will be able to make a fully independent cross-country trip.

In the year In 2016, Tesla also produced a video of a Tesla car driving itself. But it was later revealed that the car needed significant assistance to complete the task and still made several errors, the lawsuit said.

The lawsuit accuses Tesla of using “untrained test engineers to test its experimental FSD beta software on public roads,” citing a number of fatal crashes involving the use of Autopilot technology.

The California Department of Motor Vehicles similarly charged the company with false advertising in July. According to a complaint filed by the state’s DMV, Tesla’s self-pilot technology “failed to function as an autonomous vehicle at the time of those announcements and now,” Reuters reported.

Tesla did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

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