12 outdated fashion rules you don’t need to follow anymore

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picture: don’t take (Shutterstock)

I am a fashion-challenged person. My parents trained I wear pants before I left home, but pretty much here is my tailor education stopped. For most of my adult life I was mired in fashion confusion, unable to keep track of the rules governing when and where I was allowed to dress a certain way.

A lot of that confusion, I now realize, was because it was said “rules”. arbitrary – and stifling. Plus, much cooler people than me looked able to break the rules with impunity, wearing things that were supposed to be “wrong,and not just getting away with it, but looking spectacular in the process.

As it turns out, the joke is on all of us, because most of the once ironclad rules of fashionion were abandoned by the cool and trendy long ago; those of us who are less chill and don’tfashionistas are just getting the memo. Here are some old-school fashion “rules” you don’t need to follow anymore, friends children.

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