Using data to drive precision agriculture and farm safety

According to Priyash Ramadhan, CEO and Founder of Awareness Company, the proliferation of affordable monitoring tools and related agricultural sectors will create opportunities to embrace data for precision farming and farm safety.

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“I think it’s important to first define what we mean by agricultural safety and precision agriculture,” he says. “Agricultural safety is about reducing loss of income and keeping your business and family safe. Proper farming focuses on reducing risk and maximizing quality and profit. But how can technology and information help you achieve those?”

The answer lies in awareness and visibility across the business – whether at the farm, packinghouse or processing plant and seamlessly across your agribusiness to insurance. It allows you to share that visibility and insight across the entire value chain, including agricultural workers, suppliers and receivers, as well as insurance companies involved in the supply of farm inputs.

“The data gives you a deeper understanding of what’s going on, giving the farmer the resources to understand the unique circumstances and challenges,” says Ramadin. “By satisfying the farmer with his gut and making informed decisions, it eliminates uncertainty. It allows the farmer to scale, grow and grow his business and make far better decisions and ultimately actions.”

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Facilitating farm operations

He also added that it improves the speed to take action. “With better understanding, the farmer can take immediate action to correct the situation and be more proactive in streamlining the farm. There are so many variables in farming, so it’s important to use data to model, predict and predict the future. Farmers can compare historical yields to understand what next year’s crop should look like.” , to understand when the next drought is likely to occur, to understand whether crops are being watered and to identify farm areas that pose security risks.It allows the farmer to analyze patterns and trends throughout the value chain.

With the vast amount of data across the value chain, it’s important for the farm to gather and make sense of the right information, Ramadin said. “You need tools that are easy-to-use and turn all those data points into actionable stories to support the decision-making process. That’s why we created Hydra as a data-agnostic solution to gather data from sensors in a variety of systems and provide historical visualizations to provide agricultural security patterns and trends, which can then be used for things like lie detection.” It serves to mitigate and provide early threat warnings as well as a more proactive approach to security,” he says.

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Drive operational efficiency

From a precision farming perspective, the information allows the farm to save on costs and drive operational efficiencies. “It allows the farmer to scale and grow the business and automate reporting,” says Ramadin. The data recorded from the equipment in the farm is compiled into a single dashboard, which visualizes the data for easy interpretation. He added that the information could be shared with wider farming communities to improve overall security.

“It allows the public to be more aware and solve security breaches faster. The artificial intelligence in the cameras, for example, reduces unnecessary false alarms by evaluating what kind of activity triggered the alarm and whether it is a real threat or not. The technology allows for real-time monitoring of animals on farms, which allows for proactive control of animals.” It allows you to monitor grazing patterns, movement and other behaviors, then you can monitor the movement of people, equipment or vehicles on your farm in real time.

He recommends that farmers looking to capitalize on precision farming and farm safety use multiple sources of information to get an overview of their farm. “Sensors are getting smaller, smarter and cheaper and connectivity is becoming more readily available. So it makes sense for farmers to have a deeper understanding of their operations in real-time by deploying Agritech solutions. And at the rate of global population growth, there’s plenty of room for optimization, and that’s where data becomes key.

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