Africa’s tech talent draws urgent students, VC funding as Big Tech calls • TechCrunch

They are tech giants. Access to tech talent in Africa is on the rise, with the number of developers reaching 716,000 last year, a 3.8% increase from 2020, according to Google.

In the past six months, Microsoft and Amazon have been on a hiring spree with exciting offers, including relocations to US and European hubs, as they endear themselves to a small but growing talent pool in competition with other tech giants such as Google. , as well as the beginning.

This demand for African developers is expected to continue as tech giants such as Google, Oracle and Visa expand their operations in Africa, aided by massive layoffs, which have prompted employers to look elsewhere for new talent.

However, as demand increases, the number of new developers entering the market is relatively small, mainly because traditional educational institutions in most African countries are slow to update courses to meet the needs of the labor market and the rapidly evolving world of technology.

On the other hand, the gap between demand and supply has clearly led to the opening of new development schools and the expansion of existing schools in recent months, many of which are gaining the attention of global venture capitalists.

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