What Rookie Cannabis Growers Get Wrong the First Time

What Rookie Cannabis Growers Get Wrong the First Time

Are you about to grow cannabis for the first time? Before you do, learn what new cannabis growers get wrong and their rookie mistakes so you can better avoid them for your first crop!


One of the most common mistakes a new gardener makes, whether growing cannabis or tomatoes, is overwatering. Our instinct is to overwater our plants to ensure they get the sufficient water they need to grow healthy and fruitful.

But there’s a fine line between watering and overwatering, and many newcomers cross it. Too much water for cannabis can essentially drown the plant and stunt its growth or kill the flower altogether.

Pro Tip

Stop watering the cannabis for a few days and wait for your plants to wilt—that means they’re thirsty and should be able to get back on your regular watering schedule.

Nutrient Overload

Another rookie mistake new cannabis growers make their first time is overloading their crop with nutrients. Like water, plants love nutrients and fertilizers, but only in moderation.

Too many nutrients can cause nutrient lockout—where the plants can no longer absorb the essential nutrients they need to stay healthy. If you’re using synthetic fertilizers, carefully follow the feeding instructions so as not to overload your crop with nutrients.

Pro Tip

Natural fertilizers like compost release nutrients more slowly and are less likely to overload plants with nutrients.

Inadequate Infrastructure

New growers commonly get too far ahead of themselves in growing cannabis without the proper infrastructure needed for success. For indoor growers especially, you’ll need a lot of equipment, from electrical power systems to humidity control and ventilation.

Cannabis can be a fickle plant that requires certain conditions at different stages, so don’t start growing until you’re sure you’ve got the proper equipment and infrastructure.

Harvesting Too Early

It’s also common for new cannabis growers to jump the gun and start the harvest too early. It’s crucial for rookie cannabis growers to understand that every strain is different—some may grow quicker than others depending on the conditions.

Harvesting too early means smaller and less potent buds, so harvest timing is everything. A good barometer is the color of the bud’s trichomes—once around half to three-quarters of them have darkened, the cannabis is typically ready for harvest.

Not Investing in Harvesting Equipment

Once it comes time to harvest, new growers are often ill-equipped because they didn’t invest in capable harvesting equipment. One of the prevailing myths about cannabis machine trimming is that it’s too expensive, but today machines are more affordable than ever.

These trimming machines make harvesting operations more efficient and offer excellent long-term value and return on investment for cannabis growers.

We hope our guide helps those new to the cannabis growing and harvesting business. Even if you make a mistake, don’t worry—it happens to the best of us and can be a learning experience!

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