Tech we had no idea would be so critical.

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Photo: Gizmodo

Upgrading the stock stereo system to a multi-disc system with DVD capability and a pop-up screen was one of the few ways that the benefits of chips and electronics in cars were immediately apparent to the average consumer in 2002, a time of in-vehicle electronics. , hidden away like those controlled anti-lock braking systems.

Two decades later, as companies like Sony, Apple, and Dyson tried to break into the automotive industry, cars were rolling as electronic gadgets. The electrification of the motor car has brought incredibly elaborate information systems based on giant touchscreens and voice recognition. Meanwhile, other electronic improvements have enabled features such as cameras and sensors that keep tabs on objects in the road, keep a vehicle in its own lane, brake automatically and even detect and obey speed limit signs (YMMV).

Self-driving cars without any human intervention are said to be just around the corner, and in a few years the vehicle in your car will be more connected to your Model T than your smartphone. As with the smartphone, consumers ultimately don’t care. Car from point A to point B and until you find them under the hood They are well distracted during the trip.

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