Ivelisse Diaz: Fashion Trends – KQED

Throughout her teenage years, YR Media’s Ivelisse Diaz strictly followed the latest fashion trends. But when they finally stepped out of their comfort zone, they not only found their style, but also their confidence.

Growing up, I only knew how to follow fashion trends, not create my own. Ever since I started using social media platforms like Tumblr and Instagram in high school, I noticed that people who stayed on top of trends got a lot more likes and comments on their posts. And I wanted that sense of validation for myself too.

So I started dressing like people I saw on social media. I started copying the same outfit over and over – high-waisted jeans and a t-shirt. Thrifted clothes from popular brands like Urban Outfitters and Brandy Melville became less about the actual clothes and more about their ability to make me mingle.

Having a fashionable sense of style meant I didn’t have to worry about making mistakes with my look. So I grew up depending on the sense of conformity I felt by dressing like the people around me.

But as I got older, I realized that my impulse to look “normal” kept me from exploring my identity. I didn’t know what clothes and makeup I felt good in because I was so focused on how others perceived me. I gave so much power to others, even though the only opinion that mattered was my own.

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