ADL Urges Newsom to Sign Hate Document Against Tech Companies – J.J.

The Anti-Defamation League is asking Gavin Gavin Newsom to sign legislation it says would help hold social media companies accountable for anti-Semitism and other forms of hate speech on their sites.

Despite protests from major social media platforms that are already taking pains to secure their platforms, House Bill 587 passed both houses of the Legislature on Aug. 30 and is headed to Newsom’s desk. It requires social media companies to publicly post their terms of service, which set limits on what kind of behavior can be done on their platforms, and to report that information to state attorneys general. The companies say the move will add regulatory hurdles to their existing efforts.

Jesse Gabriel

Los Angeles-area Democrat Jesse Gabriel, chairman of the California Legislative Jewish Caucus, introduced the bill.

“We believe that California has a special obligation and a special opportunity to lead on these issues,” Gabriel said at an Aug. 30 news conference about AB 587 and other legislation that would regulate how social media products engage children. “We are proud of our technology economy, and we know that many of the companies that control these accounts are local California companies. But with Washington, DC in trouble, we believe California must step up and lead.

According to a recent ADL report, 65 percent of people in marginalized groups — including Jews, women and people of color — have experienced hate-based harassment online because of their identity. Among those surveyed, 68% said they had been harassed at least on Facebook, 26% on Instagram and 23% on Twitter.

“If not now, when?” Jeffrey Abrams, ADL Los Angeles Regional Director, said. “When will we understand how widespread this problem is? When will we hold the big social media platforms accountable? When will we act to protect our children? California has a chance to lead the way again. We thank Assemblymember Gabriel for his leadership on this bill. Now let’s get this over with.

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