China’s EV dominance, and making ChatGPT safe


Before many people realized what was happening, China became the world leader in electric vehicles. And progress hasn’t slowed: Over the past two years, the number of EVs sold annually in the country has grown from 1.3 million to a record high of 6.8 million.

The industry is growing at a pace that amazes even the most seasoned observers, which has led to the continued growth of China’s automotive industry during the pandemic. It has elevated the country’s efforts to become a global leader in climate policy.

But the story of how the sector got here goes beyond Chinese state policy. Read the full story.

– Zei Yang

How OpenAI is trying to make ChatGPT safer and less biased.

Have you ever been threatened by an AI chatbot? Last week, news outlets all over the world tried Microsoft’s Bing AI search and it seems the chatbot found out that it did stupid and creepy things. OpenAI, the startup behind the chatbot language technology, has received a lot of (unfounded) heat from conservatives in the US who have accused the chatbot ChatGPIT of “enabling” bias.

All this anger is finally taking its toll, and OpenAI realizes it needs to do more to calm the public. Our senior AI reporter, Melissa Heikkila, spoke to two AI policy researchers at OpenAI to hear more about what makes ChatGipt’s company safer and less buggy. Read the full story.


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