Digital simulations open up real-world possibilities


Peter: yes i know. That’s a really big question and we get that question a lot these days, especially with crypto and cryptocurrency and proof of work in general and the way it works. It’s very, very labor intensive, it’s true, but I think we can all agree that’s probably not the best price or time spent doing this job. In the case of the industrial metaverse, we believe it is most valuable to first find those tokens in the digital world and then bring them into the real world.

From the numbers I know, ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) contributes about 4% to greenhouse gas emissions. Now, other studies that I’m aware of suggest that up to 40% of greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced through digitalization, which we think is possible. So there you go. It is a score from one to 10 in terms of ability. So, yes, there is some element that you have to invest in and maybe create a bit more greenhouse gases, but the net effect is very much in favor of doing it.

A final point on this, the key thing today is that we need to understand the carbon footprint we are leaving behind. Today, this is a huge consideration. Today, they say, “Well, they’re emitting about 50 gigatons of CO2 equivalents every year. But that’s pretending, that’s speculation. We really don’t know. That’s not the right number, but you need to get to the right number. So what we did was create a low-power blockchain, which uses as much power as two clicks on a web page. That allows you to advertise the carbon footprint of your product among different manufacturers, so that at the end of the chain, you can sum up all the carbon footprints based on real values, for example, to know how much the carbon footprint your smartphone produces. This is the first step we need to take before we move on to the reduction.

Laurel: There’s also something that can be done using digital twins and this industrial exchange opportunity to make things like trains and cars and other large manufacturing facilities themselves more sustainable, because you can do it in this environment. Imitation. Does it sound right?

Peter: Yes, absolutely, absolutely. We like to think of the green digital twin, if you will. Think about a designer today. What does a designer do? The designer usually has a schedule. You have to design this product in X, it doesn’t cost more than Y, and it has to serve these functional characteristics, it has to go faster than it has to or it has to be Z stronger. It goes this way. . We now think of it as having a fourth dimension and the green aspect, so the green digital twin is what you say, “and not more than tons or kilograms of CO2.” Now this is where you have an additional optimization element to come into it. It’s a trade-off, right? That’s what’s happening as we speak, and those mathematical tools allow you to come up with the best trade-offs, as I said, before you even build these tools, buildings, factories, what have you.

Laurel: We have gone over some of the digital benefits of industrial IoT (Internet of Things) in the industrial metaverse: data, market time, customer response, as well as this ability to improve sustainability, but what are some of the challenges. ? Why weren’t we all there?

Peter: Well, as always, there are many. First and foremost, there are indeed legacy systems. Every company has its own IT systems, its own structures, so, of course, most of the technology that we want to implement is not in the way that it is needed and possible. Second, there is often no interface between the machine you are extracting the data from or the software where the data resides. All of this being open and being able to access other apps’ data is actually a key obstacle. For me, to sum it all up, it’s really a general question about interaction.

We recently launched what we call Siemens Xcelerator, a digital business platform where we promote portfolio components. So truly open solutions, with interfaces, are so-called Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Others specify where you can build on it, and these are so flexible that they can be installed on existing brownfield sites. This is really the biggest challenge in the industrial world.


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