Dr. Siddhant Sharma has successfully completed his Ph.D. in Risk Management from IMSR.

Dr. Siddhant Sharma



Dr. Siddhant Sharma, a distinguished academician, and researcher, has recently achieved a significant milestone in his academic career by completing his Doctor of Philosophy in Risk Management. His thesis titled “Develop a framework for managing IT governance and risks specific to healthcare organizations” published under the guidance of Dr. Paul Thomas I.M.S.R. Mumbai, ISO 9001 Certified from UKRAS, Devonshire, London, United Kingdom has been widely appreciated by the academic community for its innovative and practical approach towards addressing the pressing issue of IT governance and risks in the healthcare sector.

The healthcare sector has witnessed significant technological advancements in recent years, which have transformed the way healthcare services are delivered. However, these advancements have also brought new risks and challenges, particularly in the area of IT governance and security. Healthcare organizations must effectively manage these risks to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive patient data and protect against cyber-attacks and other security breaches.

Dr. Siddhant’s thesis offers a comprehensive framework for managing IT governance and risks specific to healthcare organizations. The framework is based on a detailed analysis of the existing literature on IT governance, risk management, and healthcare management, as well as extensive field research in the form of case studies and surveys of healthcare organizations.

The framework proposed by Dr. Siddhant’s thesis comprises five key components: governance structure, risk management process, information security management, compliance management, and performance management. The governance structure component emphasizes the importance of establishing clear roles and responsibilities for IT governance and risk management and creating a culture of accountability within the organization.

The risk management process component of the framework outlines a systematic approach to identifying, assessing, and managing IT risks in healthcare organizations. This involves identifying the critical assets and processes, assessing the likelihood and impact of potential risks, and developing and implementing risk mitigation strategies.

The information security management component of the framework emphasizes the importance of protecting sensitive patient data and ensuring its confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This involves implementing appropriate security controls and ensuring compliance with relevant regulatory requirements such as HIPAA.

The compliance management component of the framework emphasizes the importance of adhering to regulatory and industry standards related to IT governance and risk management in the healthcare sector. This involves monitoring and reporting on compliance with relevant regulations and standards and taking corrective actions when necessary.

Finally, the performance management component of the framework emphasizes the importance of measuring and monitoring the effectiveness of IT governance and risk management initiatives in healthcare organizations. This involves developing key performance indicators and metrics to track progress and identify areas for improvement.

Overall, Dr. Siddhant’s thesis makes a significant contribution to the field of risk management in healthcare organizations. The framework proposed in his thesis offers a practical and effective approach to managing IT governance and risks specific to the healthcare sector, which can help healthcare organizations enhance their overall security posture and protect against the growing threat of cyber-attacks and other security breaches.

Dr. Siddhant’s achievement in completing his Philosophy of Doctorate in Risk Management is a testament to his dedication, hard work, and commitment to advancing the field of risk management. His research and thesis are likely to have a significant impact on the healthcare industry, helping healthcare organizations navigate the complex and rapidly evolving landscape of IT governance and risks. His accomplishment is a source of pride for his academic institution, colleagues, and the wider academic community.

Dr. Siddhant extends his special gratitude to the family, well wishers, especially his dear wife Mrs. Rachita Panigrahi, mother Mrs. Ajita Dash Sharma, father Late Shri. P. Khitish, father-in-law Dr. K.C.Panigrahi (Ex C.G.M. NABARD), sister Indira Sharma, brother-in-law Saswat Panigrahi, mother-in-law Mrs. Kalpana Panigrahi, guide, Mr. Pravin Parmar(facilitator I.M.S.R, Mumbai), and overall the Almighty Bhagaban.

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