How to get out, and the future of energy


As soon as I wake up, I grab my phone and thumb through news alerts to check overnight messages before quickly scrolling through Twitter and Instagram. At work, I’m attached to Slack and email, apart from the TikTok video or mm I send to my friends on WhatsApp. And if I’m done watching mindless reality TV for the night (hello Love Island), I inevitably turn to Twitter to see if everyone else is as traumatized by the contestants’ recent harassment as I am.

None of this makes me feel bad, really. But it doesn’t make me feel good either. It’s easy to lose hours scrolling through it without seeing anything.

In search of ways to cut down on aimless time online, I went to talk to some experts about how to create a healthier and happier relationship with my devices and the internet. Here’s my mini-guide on how to get out. Read the full story.

– Rhiannon Williams

Shaping the future of energy in a government agency

The US government has had a hand in creating some of the most famous inventions of the last century, from personal computers to the modern GPS. Now, he’s making the same energy push.

The ARPA-E agency Since its founding in 2007, it has funded more than $3 billion in more than 1,400 advanced energy research projects and appointed its new director, Evelyn Wang, in January.

She sat down with our climate reporter Casey Crownhart to talk about the agency’s role in advancing technology, the challenges ahead and why we’re at a crucial time for energy. Read the full story.


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