Russian hackers may be targeting your business.


By Carl Mazzanti, President of eMazzanti Technologies

The events unfolding in Ukraine continue to capture the world’s attention – but while the military and human toll get most of the attention, US-based business owners and individuals should consider the potential cyber-threat spill over into their operations.

Dangerous time

Even before the US and Russia continued their Cold War feud over the invasion of Ukraine, businesses were more vulnerable to attacks by state-sponsored actors, highlighting the importance of companies of all sizes maintaining robust cloud security services. Now, with reports of increased hacker activity at US companies of all sizes, many business owners are unaware of the need to upgrade their security systems with an affordable CEM (Security Incident Monitoring) program and response.

The CEM program reviews important hardware and software logs in real-time and flags suspicious activity. From these logs, most SIEM tools use artificial intelligence (AI) to filter the noise and focus on the most important events in a way that only a computer can. When enabled or enabled by a good IT service management or CEM service provider, the service initiates rapid responses designed to protect your identity and digital assets.

Safety triangle

A CEM response package is part of the “triangle” of cybersecurity solutions that necessarily includes cybersecurity practices. The first “leg” here is preventative controls – luckily almost everyone has them: staying up-to-date on software patches, having a good anti-virus program and an effective firewall, and using multi-factor authentication.

The second leg is a detection tool like a SIEM or full-time security operations center. This integrated, cyber-automated response package kicks defenses up a notch by monitoring and alerting users about their devices and systems. And, when selected, it can respond in real-time to avoid or mitigate the malicious efforts of a bad actor.

The third “leg” is made as a strong reserve with great recovery controls – especially protected from the rest of the infected system – it can be used as a fail-safe type.

Most business owners want to manage their enterprise, grow it and serve their customers – they’re not signed up to be warriors on the digital battlefield. But as we’ve seen from past hacking incidents, companies can no longer be neutral. Like it or not, bad actors see us all as legitimate targets. And unfortunately, as the global climate warms, the risks are getting worse.

Carl Mazzanti is the president of Imazanti Technologies – a firm specializing in Cyber ​​security


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