Simon Eddon, Founder & CEO, Retail Be Social – The Retail Technology Innovation Center


RTIH: What has been the industry response so far?

SI: In our R&D we worked with international fashion and sportswear retailers large and small, and they all appreciated both the niches we were targeting and saw material value in what we wanted to offer.

In fact, one global sportswear brand called it a “quantum leap for the sector” while another said it would be “a seismic shift for purchases”, which is encouraging to hear.

Listening, sharing and feedback are vital to ensure we are addressing key issues properly and not just being seen as ‘another tech business’.

We then worked with a boutique fashion retailer in Brighton who helped us improve our processes. They gave us ‘coal-face’ insights that led us to make some platform improvements.

We recently showed the platform to some household name brands, and they said they want to move forward with projects.

RT: What is your biggest challenge?

SI: We’ve been lucky that we haven’t had any real obstacles so far, but there have been a lot of challenges, nothing insurmountable, but a lot to work on.

One of the biggest challenges is finding the right balance of quality in terms of the underlying ‘model and clothing’ content in terms of authenticity as well as meeting the retailer’s quality assurance process.

Our platform can provide incredibly detailed models of people and clothes, but because we have dynamic content, file sizes and mobile bandwidth, not everyone has the latest Wizzy 5G mobile, so we’ve got this to a great level for everyone.

RTIH: What is the biggest challenge facing the omnichannel retail space today?

SI: Fewer retailers have true omnichannel capabilities than we think.

It’s more multi-channel because it’s not yet connected as multi-channel should be. In my view, it’s about making the customer journey seamless no matter which channel they use.

Several of our Platform Accelerator modules address this, and we recently shared a blog post that added my thoughts to this discussion about Metaverse.

Now I’m thinking that ‘metachannel’ is perhaps the way we should be thinking about the customer experience – between physical, 3D, virtual and social and seamlessly integrating.

Sure, digitally pioneer brands are looking to adopt faster than others – but going for a sprint isn’t always a good move.

RTIH: What can we expect to see from you in the next 12 months?

SI: It’s an exciting time for us and if everything goes as expected, you’ll soon see us posting the results of various pilot projects with well-known brands.

Recent developments in the platform continue to push the boundaries while addressing real needs, not just creating technology for the sake of it.

We’re helping our test partners use the platform to differentiate themselves from the competition.


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