The flawed logic of accelerating dire climate solutions


The problem with applying that thinking outside of software and social media is that the stakes are too high and the potential impact extends beyond the boundaries of any business: we don’t want to break or even harm our oceans and global commons. The atmosphere.

We don’t know if some of these proposed interventions will work on a large scale or what negative effects they will have on complex and interconnected ecosystems, says David Ho, a professor of oceanography at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Farming forward into areas where the people are not very comfortable and these are real dangers. It stopsResearch in these fields is not fast.

He notes that in the past it has prompted international bodies to impose restrictions on commercial efforts to commercialize what is known as iron ocean fertilization, or depositing iron in water to stimulate the growth of carbon-sucking phytoplankton. He and others say it also had a chilling effect on research.

Some fear of launching a solar eclipse has reinforced already negative perceptions of solar geoengineering. Critics seized on the news, saying that investigating the case would put us on a slippery slope to enforcement.

The Mexican government has responded with plans to ban solar geoengineering experiments in the country. In addition, the country is now trying to get other countries to ban the climate strategy, according to Reuters.

“If I were an activist who wanted to raise fears and anxieties and doubts [solar geoengineering] Andy Parker, chief executive of the Degrees Initiative, which provides funding to help scientists conduct solar geoengineering research in climate-vulnerable countries, says that because I was creative enough, I would have done what the sun did. “I’m going to start an experiment that scientists told me to do, without any popular scientific backing or involvement, as a for-profit, venture capital-backed venture.

The dangers

Baked into some of the arguments now that we should come up with more extreme solutions in the future is the assumption that we are on the verge of creating a less habitable, greenhouse planet. This idea also needs some investigation.


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