The problem of charging EVs, and solving climate change with heat


The US government is pushing for more electric vehicles to hit the roads in the next few years. The problem is, the country doesn’t have nearly enough chargers to power them all.

Currently, there are only about 130,000 public chargers installed across the US, and a small fraction of those are fast chargers. According to the Environment Agency, this is a 40% increase from 2020, but still not enough. The US will need to build millions of new chargers over the next decade.

We don’t know how much and how fast. But while the logistics are daunting, the government is not alone in building charging infrastructure. Read the full story.

– Casey Crownheart

How heat can solve climate problems

Being warm on demand is necessary to do all the things that are the building blocks of our lives.

The problem is that industrial heat control has historically relied on fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas, and is a bit of a climate nightmare: industrial heat alone is responsible for 20% of global emissions.

More and more enterprises are looking for new ways to adapt to industrial thermostats. Our climate reporter Casey Crownhart takes a look at the technologies on the table and where we go from here. Read the full story.

Casey’s story comes from her weekly newspaper, The Spark, which covers climate and energy discoveries. sign up To receive it in your inbox every Wednesday.


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