Tips For Smooth Gut Health While Traveling The World

A handsome man standing outside with his eyes closed, enjoying a moment of peace.

This is at the top end of the list for a reason. Listening to your body after eating meals or drinking will allow you to figure out what works and what needs to be avoided. While in a new country you’re naturally going to want to try new foods. Food is the best entry point into a culture, how else will you truly get a feel without tasting it?

For many, eating out is the best part of the trip but doing so without a body check-in is the opposite of good gut-health practice. ‘Paying attention’ could look like seeing if you have developed/managed better with gluten tolerance in this new country or if a certain breakfast gives you more energy than another. It can even be about the restaurant itself, if you constantly leave feeling slightly sick then maybe it’s time to accept that the tasty food comes at a greater cost… The best advice for learning how your body reacts to this new cuisine is to take note of yourself, as a regular routine.

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