What Causes a Generator To Overheat and How To Prevent It

What Causes a Generator To Overheat and How To Prevent It

Diesel-powered generators are robust, dependable machinery that can operate for many years. Created with the intent to provide a consistent flow of energy during a power outage or emergency, industrial generators are typically the first solution to enhance a business’s power supply.

However, generators require a specific level of care to keep them functional and reliable. While maintenance is a contributing factor to an extended lifespan, ensuring that a unit doesn’t overheat also plays a role. Overheating components is a relatively common issue that can cause severe damage to a generator.

As you read this article, you’ll discover what causes a generator to overheat and how to prevent it so your machinery can remain safe and operational.

Poor Ventilation

One common cause of generator overheating is inadequate ventilation. Generators require installation in a well-ventilated area to ensure air can circulate around the generator and keep machinery cool. If installed in an area with poor ventilation, generated heat won’t escape and may cause the generator’s internal temperature to rise quickly.

Lack of Maintenance

Another common cause of generator overheating is a lack of maintenance or inconsistent servicing routines. Industrial generators require routine servicing and maintenance to ensure they run efficiently and determine if internal components are functioning.

The less maintenance and assessment conducted during service, the more dirt and debris may accumulate in a generator’s internal system. This causes the equipment to work harder during operation, generating more heat. Fortunately, there are preventative maintenance tips for diesel generators that can guide you through the servicing process!

Poor Cooling System

A generator’s internal cooling system is responsible for keeping the generator at a reasonable temperature and circulating coolant fluid to areas that experience the most heat in operation. Therefore, if it does not work properly, the generator can overheat. To prevent this issue, regularly refill your generator’s coolant and check the system during servicing.

Too Much Demand

If your business regularly uses a generator, you may be working the machinery, which can cause it to overheat. Instead, if you need more power, replace your current generator with a more powerful one.

While not having a generator for your business can impact its revenue, an overheating generator is equally detrimental. By understanding what causes a generator to overheat and how to prevent it, you can ensure that your generator runs efficiently and is not at risk of failure.

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