Why the Future Lives in Online Payment Systems: An Interview with Valeria Vahorovska


The world of online business is being transformed by small business payment solutions. According to Valeria Vahorovska, CEO of Fondi, this evolution is bringing more secure payment opportunities to small businesses with minimal effort and cost.

In an interview with FinTech Review, she spoke about the main benefits of e-commerce and her outlook on the online payments industry.

Making online payments

Online payment systems and offers for businesses

Online company-organizational transactions have allowed them to expand beyond their local area and take their business to a global level. In the past, businesses had to rely on banks for financing, but the options available are often not suitable for small businesses.

According to Valeria Vahorovska, digital payments allow enterprises to increase their capacity and reach customers around the world. Fundy services are one example of how companies can use online payment systems to their advantage. Using Fondi, businesses can:

  • Verify payment information;
  • Input customer data;
  • Making payments securely and quickly;
  • Create powerful e-commerce solutions.

And more: by accepting digital payments, companies, regardless of their size, can realize their full potential.

The advantages of e-commerce solutions in the example of Fondi

In the year Since its launch in 2016, Fundy, a payment platform created by Valeria Vahorovska, has become increasingly popular. The platform supports small and medium-sized businesses, giving users the opportunity to:

  • Create and process payments in a few clicks;
  • Work with more than 300 payment methods, including Google Pay and Apple Wallet;
  • Choose the most popular payment systems in each area.

Valeria Vahorovska with Fondi emphasizes that customers can make payments effortlessly, whether using local or international cards. Due to its convenience and accessibility, Fundy continues to expand rapidly, providing businesses with a convenient and secure way to manage and manage their payments.

A businesswoman making online payments

How companies can stay competitive: tips from Valeria Vahorovska

The online payment industry in Europe is growing rapidly, but not without challenges. Valeria Vahorovska said that the main challenge is to understand the different ideas and approaches regarding electronic payments in different countries.

To ensure success, businesses must be proactive and flexible and understand customer preferences and behavior to make accurate predictions about the future of the industry. In addition, companies must be aware of local regulations and respond quickly to them.

Technology and intellectual property are key issues for the online payments industry as it continues to grow and change rapidly. Valeria Vahorovska emphasized that enterprises must keep up with these changes in order not to lose their competitiveness.

Valeria Vahorovska believes that the future of small business payments is incredibly bright. As more small businesses begin to adopt payment solutions, they can look forward to increased efficiency, lower costs and an improved customer experience. It’s a win-win for everyone.


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