212Quest Organizes Exploring Europe Travel Quest Adventure for Travel Lovers

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, U.S.A, September 14, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — 212Quest is delighted to announce to the general public that the exploring Europe travel quest adventure is open for participation. The quest is a hearty combination of treasure hunt games and adventurous travel experiences that every travel enthusiast will love.

Wondering how to discover at least 6 European countries in a fast-paced and adventurous manner? 212Quest can help with that. The exploring Europe travel adventure takes participants on a journey through the Eiffel Tower, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, delicious wine-tasting sessions, peaks of the Jungfrau Region of the Swiss Alps, the romance of Paris, and all the beautiful highlights of Europe in 10 days.

“The quest was designed for travel lovers that want to do more than sightseeing and hopping from one tourist attraction site to another during their trip. And we are glad that we can give them the exact type of excitement, adventure, and fun they are craving for,” says Avi for 212Quest.

In addition to the treasure hunt games, participants have the opportunity of getting 100%, 50%, or 25% refund of their participatory fees when they win either the first, second, or third place position in the travel quest.

Interested travelers can visit https://212quest.com/ for more details about the quest and participation requirements.

About Us

212Quest is a travel adventure company that organizes adventurous world travels that go beyond the norm. What we do differently is – offer you a new form of traveling that is challenging, engaging, and highly entertaining by adding treasure hunts to make for a truly unique experience. Can you solve real-life puzzles or follow adventurous trails that lead to dreamy and mysterious locations around the world? Then our travel adventure quests might be the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity you have been waiting for.

Avi Zaslavskiy
+1 212-470-9349
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