WFP is running short of funding for its humanitarian work in Afghanistan.


The World Food Organization (WFP) in Afghanistan has said it is running out of funds to continue humanitarian aid in Afghanistan.

Wahidullah Amani, spokesman for the World Food Program in Afghanistan, said the organization needs more than $900 million for the next six months of operations, Tolo News reported.

The organization It has helped nearly 19 million Afghans since the beginning of 2022, and the aid includes food and cash.

“$172 million is urgently needed to provide 150,000 metric tons of food before winter in areas where roads are closed by the first snow of the year,” he said.

Meanwhile, residents of the capital city of Kabul have complained about the lack of transparency in aid organizations.

Sikandar, a resident of Kabul city, said, “They took my name and ID card at every round of aid, but the community leader gave it to his relatives. I didn’t get a single grain of rice.”

“The poor are devastated. There is no help for the poor,” said Ahmashah, a resident of Kabul.

Some economists believe that the aid has not had a positive impact on the lives of citizens.

“A lack of better assessment of the situation and recognition of people in need, as well as lack of transparency and high administrative and logistical costs for aid organizations mean that aid is ineffective,” said Shakir Yaqoby. An economist.

— No matter


(Only the title and image of this report may have been reproduced by Business Standard staff; the rest of the content was generated automatically from the syndicated feed.)

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