Cloudflare rolls out new mobile services to keep employees’ smartphones safe • TechCrunch

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Good morning you crunchistas. Hope you have a chill weekend. Or if it wasn’t cool, it was wild for the right reasons. YOLO and all.

Well, with the news! – Christine And came

TechCrunch’s Top 3

  • Do we know how secure our phones are?: Cloudflare says no, and to prove it, they launched eSIM to protect mobile devices. Kyle Reports. What separates them from other older options – for example VPN – is cell-level protection. “A SIM card can act as another security factor, and — combined with hardware keys — makes it impossible to impersonate an employee,” Cloudflare CTO John Graham-Cumming told Kyle.
  • Red noticeIt’s official – Interpol has issued a red notice to Terraform founder Do Kwon, who was indicted in South Korea after the collapse of Terraform’s cryptocurrency and stablecoin earlier this year. Manish And Kate Have been following this story for a while and I have more.
  • poleTwo years ago, Vendese was trying to establish itself as a marketplace in Nigeria’s food sector, connecting suppliers and farmers with restaurants. When he saw how fragmented the delivery service was, he turned to a food procurement platform, which meant he no longer acted as a middleman, and now he’s reaping the benefits of that, including $30 million in fresh capital. take up Reports.

Startups and VCs

Although Not So Dark started as a network of dark kitchens, the company abandoned this business model shortly after raising its Series A round. Running dark kitchens is capital intensive and creates problems in some neighborhoods. The company has just raised an $80 million Series B round and has launched digital catering brands that you can find in catering apps. Roman Reports.

When it comes to advice, technology likes standards. Startups are often told there are certain benchmarks to hit, deadlines to meet, timelines to measure themselves against. It’s a fairy tale in the “fit runway,” isn’t it?, on TC+, our subscription page; Natasha M He breaks down that the 18 to 36 runway rule isn’t as thumb-y as you might think.

guess what? We love you so much, we’ve got five more highlights from the page:

3 Ways to Implement a Product-Driven Sales Activity to Unlock PLG’s Revenue Potential

Image Credits: James Bray (Opens in a new window) / Getty Images

Startups employing product-led growth strategies respond to customer growth and acquisitions, but “the traditional top-down enterprise sales model won’t work with PLG’s self-serving freemium user base,” writes CEO Stephen Mook. Sales and success in the GTM platform Calixa.

Sharing aggregate user data with product and sales teams reveals patterns and insights that help identify product-qualified leads that are more likely to convert. Sales teams must “re-engineer” their approach to reap the benefits.

According to Mook, “Your free offering and the features customers get when they upgrade to paid plans should both create a natural transition path to your organization’s offering.”

TechCrunch+ It’s our membership program that helps founders and startup teams get ahead of the pack. You can register here.. Use code “DC” for 15% off annual subscription!

Three more recent stories from the TC+ team:

Big Tech Inc.

Samsung is entering India with two new credit cards that promise 10% cashback over the year, as long as cardholders purchase products and services. Manish Reports. It seems like a way for the smartphone maker to broaden its appeal. He also wrote that the credit card market in India is crowded with more than 50 companies trying to capture the attention of the “world’s second largest Internet market.”

And we have five more for you:

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