The role of HVAC in energy efficiency – and workplace productivity

Considering how much time many of us spend in the home workplace environment, the comfort and quality of the air around us is not something we should take for granted. Good ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems not only create a comfortable environment, but also improve physical health and well-being. But with rising energy costs, organizations also face the challenge of managing their energy consumption efficiently. Therefore, organizations need to find HVAC solutions that not only provide clean air and a comfortable work environment, but also prioritize energy efficiency and sustainability.

The effect on productivity

Indoor air temperature, humidity and quality all have a significant impact on worker health and productivity. Extreme heat or humidity, for example, can make people feel sluggish, uncomfortable, or irritable. A very low temperature, on the contrary, can lead to diseases or inability to concentrate. In a study by Cornell University researchers, workers made 44% fewer errors when the thermostat was set to a comfortable 25°C compared to a cold 20°C. In order to maintain the comfort and concentration of employees for a longer period of time, therefore, a room should be cooled to around 20 and 21 °C.

Indoor air quality is also important for health and safety. Studies have shown that poor indoor air quality, characterized by fine particulate matter and carbon dioxide concentrations, causes workers to react more slowly and perform less well on cognitive tests. More importantly, poor air quality can lead to respiratory problems and long-term negative effects on the health of workers.

An HVAC system must not only effectively control temperature and airflow, but also promote a productive work environment. It should also have sufficient air filtration and purification capabilities to remove harmful air particles and ensure healthy indoor air quality. LG’s Air Purification Kit, for example, uses four layers of filters to remove up to 99.9% of particulates.

The latest HVAC technologies can use IoT systems, sensors, software and connectivity to monitor air quality, energy use and maintenance inspections. With LG BECON Cloud technology, for example, the status and health of the HVAC system can be monitored in real-time from anywhere.

Reduce costs

In the year In April 2021, South Africa saw a 15.6 percent increase in electricity tariffs, the largest in the country’s history. And with energy costs still rising, businesses are under increasing pressure to reduce their energy consumption. HVAC systems are important for keeping a workplace comfortable, but they also use energy. That’s why it’s becoming increasingly important to look for HVAC systems that use or have the ability to control smart inverter technology.

Smart inverter technology adjusts the HVAC unit’s power output according to the set temperature. Once the set temperature is reached, the Smart Inverter HVAC unit reduces the output power and ensures less energy consumption. The LG MULTI V5, for example, uses Smart Load Control to dynamically adjust airflow and increase energy efficiency, ensuring consistent temperature control while reducing operating costs. It is also equipped with temperature and humidity sensors, which allow accurate control and control of air flow.

Keeping HVAC systems clean and in good condition should also not be overlooked: regular maintenance can reduce their energy consumption, maintain healthy air and ensure a long unit life.

A breath of fresh air

Employees need a comfortable and healthy workplace to perform at their full potential, but having quality indoor air and optimal working temperatures doesn’t have to come at the cost of horrendous electricity bills. With all the technological innovations happening in the commercial HVAC sector, organizations can find solutions that strike the perfect balance between air comfort and quality and energy efficiency.


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