Celonis can now map multiple processes and subway-style maps • TechCrunch

Selonis It has made a huge impact since its launch in 2011, raising $2.4 billion along the way. Its latest investment, which raised $1 billion in August, was at a post-money valuation of $13.2 billion, the kind of money you won’t see in 2022.

The company has made its name primarily by developing software for process mining, identifying how work is done in a business and finding ways to make it more efficient. So far, it’s done well by logging one process at a time.

But today at the company’s annual customer conference, Cellosphere announced a major breakthrough in what the technology can do: It introduced a new product called Processsphere that can take production from a single process to a complex cross-section, multiple. Procedures.

The company’s CEO and founder, Alex Rinke, says the new approach makes the entire mining experience more powerful.

Ceylonese subway map

Image Credits: Ceylonese

“We’re always talking about an individual process like audit, invoicing or procurement, whatever the process is. We said, ‘How can we innovate and make this better?’ It allows you to see because often you have a lot of friction at the interface between say your sales process and your shipping process or your shipping process and your billing process. [and this allows you to see all that in a single view]Rinke told TechCrunch.

They created a very compelling visual interface to show different processes; It looks like a subway map, but instead of showing the transfer stations, it shows the point where it passes to the second or third process.

“We call it Subway Map, and every process looks like a subway line, and you look at a subway map of your business, you can zoom in and out and see specific lines. And it’s a very powerful engine, and we’ve done a lot of work to make it clear and simple.” He said.

He added: “This enables many use cases in business, supply chain and financial operations.

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