Afghans have run out of patience in a dehumanizing state: UN official

According to UN Special Envoy Ramiz Alakbarov, the patience of the Afghan people has run out.

“The country is very poor. The people of this country have exhausted their patience, the situation is getting worse. They are seeing war, conflicts for many years,” Alakbarov was quoted as saying by Sputnik news service.

“People have no savings. The banking situation is very serious. There have been two consecutive droughts in the last four years,” he said.

The problem has led some people to sell their organs and even their children, a UN official said.

An estimated 19-20 million Afghans are in constant need of humanitarian assistance. In the year According to Alkbarov, about 25 million people are in poverty compared to 20 million people in 2016.

In the year In 2021, the Taliban regime has caused a severe economic and humanitarian crisis. Natural disasters also add to the suffering of the Afghan people.

In June 2022, a magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck eastern Afghanistan, killing more than 1,000 people and injuring 1,500 others.

Seasonal rains in July caused massive flooding. A number of humanitarian organizations are helping Afghanistan with food, medicine, emergency shelter and other basic items.

Torrential rains and floods in Afghanistan have killed 95 people, injured hundreds and displaced thousands of homes, officials in the crisis-hit country said.

The deaths occurred in 10 provinces in the past 10 days, officials said, as the country is reeling from an economic and humanitarian crisis caused by Western sanctions imposed after the Taliban returned to power last year.

Afghanistan has recently been hit by a series of natural disasters and extreme weather conditions, including an earthquake in June that killed more than 1,000 people, CNN reported.

The torrential rains damaged or destroyed nearly 2,900 homes, a tenfold increase since the last reporting period, and disrupted livelihoods. Critical civil infrastructure such as roads and bridges were also damaged.

(Only the headline and image for this report may have been reproduced by Business Standard staff; the rest of the content was generated automatically from the syndicated feed.)

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