How John Accardi made CRAVEBOX a top-selling Amazon brand


John Accardi started CRAVEBOX in 2014 from his apartment. At the time, he had just dropped out of Georgetown University’s PhD program, had no savings, no investment, and no business experience.

The decision to launch Accardi CRAVEBOX was a risky one and the odds of success did not look good. “I was so excited to start my own business at the time, I didn’t really know all the risks involved. I wanted to work for myself and wake up every morning with the freedom to tackle my own to-do list instead of someone else’s.”

John Accardi

For the first 3 years, CRAVEBOX ran out of John’s apartment and made no profit. John persevered and felt that he was making progress and that success was near.

John says, “Those first few years were frustrating because I felt like every day was a disappointment, but the constant failure motivated me. I got to the point where I told myself I would try forever. I was giving guitar lessons on the side to pay the bills and decided I would work on CRAVEBOX until he succeeded or I was old. This long-term thinking worked because of course CRAVEBOX started to grow. John learned how to optimize Amazon listings and CRAVEBOX moved to bigger and bigger warehouse spaces and the staff grew.

CRAVEBOX now operates out of a 60,000 square foot warehouse in North Wales, PA with an amazing staff. “CRAVEBOX never thought it would be this successful. It’s been an incredible journey,” says Accardi.

To become a top-selling Amazon brand, John first focused on creating great images. “First of all, I understand that the main image of your product is the most important part of the listing on Amazon. So I learned photography and most importantly Photoshop to take and edit fantastic images. CRAVEBOX products now have the best quality images in the category, giving the specification an edge over its competitors.

Accardi also focused on price. John says, “To be a top-selling Amazon brand, you need to take a closer look at your toughest competitors and make sure you’re offering the best value. Your product must be better or your price must be lower. This determines your Amazon ranking and visibility. The key to delivering great value is of course efficient business and operations.

Finally, to build CRAVEBOX into a top-selling Amazon brand, Accardi focused on reviews. “Amazon’s customers are strong and the only way to build a sustainable product and brand is to sell quality products that garner high review averages. This is challenging, but if you can offer a better product than your competitors, you’ll garner better reviews and rise to the top of the category.”

John is excited to continue growing CRAVEBOX. He is especially excited about their holiday products, including Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter. He is also excited about the new CRAVEBOX products they are introducing, such as: CRAVEBOX Kids, CRAVEBOX 110count and CRAVEBOX Cookies+ Crackers.


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