How to understand the federal tech landscape

The Intel Summit is being held in National Harbor on September 15th and 16th. Louis Shepherd, VMWare Research and Innovation and Vice Chair of the AFCEA Intelligence Committee, discusses the Summit and what attendees can expect. He will also share his insights on the current federal technology landscape, business space technology and why the Intel Summit brings together so many voices in so many sectors – from Capitol Hill to Silicon Valley.

“We have a lot of events throughout the year…this is our highlight,” Shepherd said. “Great panels, great keynotes.” Shepherd emphasized that the Intel Summit offers something for everyone. Organized by AFCEA and the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA), the Intel Summit brings together leaders in the intelligence community to discuss critical issues.

“We have a lot of sessions over the two days, including many that qualify as continuing education,” Shepherd said. It’s one thing to read up-to-date about technology trends on the Internet, but federal technology is a different beast.”

The Intel Summit provides a unique opportunity not only to listen to government leaders, but also to talk with experts, discuss with exhibitors, and network with colleagues. Shepherd described it as a truly unique opportunity to rub shoulders with individuals from different sectors and across different employers, agencies and government branches.

“If you’re in a private sector role and you want to know where government is headed, that’s a really big audience for this,” Shepherd said.

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