Jack Dorsey breaks his silence, tweeting, “Everybody takes responsibility for why they’re in this situation.” • TechCrunch

Jack DorseyHe resigned as CEO of Twitter in less than a year. In 2006, he spoke of layoffs that resulted in about 50% of the company he founded. The layoffs led by Twitter’s new owner Elon Musk affect thousands of people — and key teams working on human rights, accessibility, AI ethics and medicine.

“People past and present are stronger and stronger on Twitter,” Dorsey said on Twitter Saturday morning. “No matter how hard times get, you always find a way. I understand that many are angry with me. I am responsible for why everyone is in this situation: they have increased the size of the company too quickly. I apologize for that.”

Dorsey, who stepped down from Twitter’s board five months ago, added: “Thank you and love to everyone who has worked at Twitter.” I don’t expect that to be common at this point…or ever…and I understand.

This is Dorsey’s first public comment since Musk took the stage last week. Earlier, Dorsey said that Musk is “the only solution I believe in.”

Leaked documents from the Elon Musk and Twitter trial offer some insight into how Dorsey was thinking about the social media company’s future. Dorsey texted Musk that Twitter was supposed to be a new platform — leaving the non-company.

“In my opinion, the protocol should be an open source protocol that is supported, developed, and supported by non-proprietary types.” A bit like Signal did. He can’t have an advertising model,” Dorsey texted Musk.

Yesterday, influential Twitter workers used the hashtag #Love what you doA riff on the internal hashtag #lovewhereyouwork, to thank each other, say goodbye, and share personal news. As one former employee put it, The new hashtag is “Bitter Phrase – Not Because I’m Gone, But Because It’s Gone.”

Although Dorsey has stepped down from his official roles on Twitter, his silence has been noted. Musk announced his dismissal on Friday evening.

“Regarding Twitter’s power cuts, unfortunately the company has no choice but to lose. [$4 million a day]” Musk tweeted. “All those who left were given 3 months of severance, which is 50% more than the law requires.”

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