Questions To Ask When Lowering Your Carbon Footprint

Questions To Ask When Lowering Your Carbon Footprint

We must protect the environment to take care of ourselves and the next generation. In a society largely dependent on non-sustainable energy and resource usage, it’s up to us to pursue greener lifestyles. Luckily, it’s easy. Check out the questions you must ask yourself when lowering your carbon footprint.

What Can I Do at Home?

While you’re probably not chopping down giant redwoods or plowing through villages to exploit natural resources, you are responsible for the dirty-energy usage in your home. Dirty energy is the result of people extracting or burning fossil fuels for electricity generation. This process releases carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the air.

Fortunately, there are many ways you can avoid and reduce the usage of dirty energy in your home. For example, one of the reasons to install smart appliances in your home is that most smart appliances are Energy Star certified, which means running them doesn’t tax energy resources. Solar panels are another option, and though expensive, they can get you off the grid entirely, eliminating your dependency on fossil fuels.

What Can I Do on the Go?

This is an important question to ask when trying to lower your carbon footprint. Luckily, the answer is relatively simple. Electric cars are all the rage and for good reason. They’re the perfect environmental choice for people looking to lower their carbon footprints.

However, it’s certainly true that not everyone has the budget to invest in one. Never fear! There are still things you can do to shrink your carbon footprint on the go. Try riding a bike or catching the bus to get somewhere.

What Should I Buy?

Try to buy repurposed furniture that gives recycled materials a new life. Additionally, when it comes to groceries, opt for seasonal items that don’t come in plastic packaging. Also, try to buy local products at local stores; these businesses don’t rely as much on emissions-producing semitrucks for product shipping.

If you ask yourself these questions and act accordingly, you’ll be well on your way to doing your part in saving the environment. Remember—you’re not personally responsible for the environment, but small changes to your home, transportation, and buying habits can help reduce carbon emissions and cultivate an eco-friendly culture.

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