Created by Miles Millar and Alfred Gough, directed by Tim Burton, Wednesday is the latest adaptation of the iconic Addams Family characters. The show follows Wednesday (Jenna Ortega), who is sent to a boarding school, Nevermore, after getting into trouble at public school. While there, she becomes embroiled in a web of trouble involving classmates, townspeople, and a monstrous Hyde. The show has exploded in popularity since its debut, breaking Netflix viewership records and garnering praise for its cast. In addition to strong performances and mystery, the show also has many memorable fashion moments from the characters that utilize Burton’s signature genre, setting, and style. Here are the best, ranked.
9/9 Nevermore Uniforms
The Nevermore school uniforms consist of black and bluish purple striped jackets, with the school crest. They are simple yet sophisticated and a little more colorful than a typical school uniform. They really set the tone for Nevermore and show what the experience will be like. Wednesday, who is “allergic to color”, can also wear her jacket in black and grey, which makes her stand out.
8/9 Weems’ sleek clothing
As the head of Nevermore, Principal Weems (Gwendoline Christie) is a powerful woman who is often at odds with Wednesday, and her outfits reflect that. Simple and sharp, she often wears long dresses and coats in a neutral color palette. Speaking to Variety, designer Colleen Atwood said she based Weems’ outfits on Tippi Hedren in Birds. With no flashy colors or designs, formal wear suits her and her imposing nature perfectly.
7/9 Wednesday’s Black Dress
Wednesday’s black dress at the start of the show is very similar to her classic black dress with a white collar, but with a few modifications. The collar is much more exaggerated, for example, and the dress is covered in a small floral pattern. 1991 fans The Addams Family it can be seen to be similar to Wednesday’s floral dress in that film and works to demonstrate the character’s iconic past with some new touches. This pattern is later continued in the black coat he wears on Wednesday when he tours Nevermore for the first time.
6/9 Thornhill’s Wardrobe
One of the professors at Nevermore is Thornhill (Christina Ricci), who teaches botanical science and tries to bond with Wednesday as her boarding mother. Her outfits are scholarly but still cute, like her blue jumpsuit and red boots, or patterned button-downs with a sweater. She also wears some impressive coats: a black one with red floral detailing that reflects her coursework, and a colorful patchwork that resembles a quilt. Even as a supporting character, the clothes give her flair and help her stand out.
5/9 Wednesday’s Black and White Patterns
Black and white clothing is a common feature of Tim Burton’s projects, and Wednesday is no exception. Throughout the season, Wednesday wears a variety of outfits that feature black and white patterns, such as a striped sweater and a checkerboard sweater. Loose and modern, they reflect current styles in their structure, while the white color makes them simple and still classic. They all fit into Burton’s aesthetic while fitting Wednesday’s character.
4/9 The Addams Family Ensemble
Seeing the entire Addams family in this new iteration is great, and their outfits match the occasion. They stick to the classic black, white and stripes the characters are known for, brought to life for the new adaptation. It’s a perfect blend of the past, with some tweaks for the present. From Gomez’s (Luis Guzmán) pinstripe suit, to Morticia’s (Catherine Zeta-Jones) long velvet dress, to Pugsley’s (Isaac Ordonez) pinstripes, it’s an impressive group shot that shows just how classic and timeless the outfits are. them and install this new version. of the family.
3/9 Enid’s bright pink wardrobe
Enid (Emma Myers), a werewolf, is Wednesday’s cheerful roommate. From her first scene, it’s clear how different the two are: Enid’s room is bright and colorful, and her mostly pink clothes match. Her colors and patterns, like a fluffy pink coat, are happy and sweet and reflect her kind and caring nature. They also point out how much she contrasts with Wednesday, which makes their friendship even more rewarding.
2/9 Bianca’s Rave’N Dress
Rave’N is the Nevermore school dance that students look forward to. Without the uniform, we see many great dresses, and one of the most impressive belongs to Bianca (Joy Sunday). It is made of azure blue scales and is almost mermaid-like, which may reflect Bianca’s powers as a mermaid. Among the great dance outfits, hers is definitely a standout.
1/9 Wednesday’s Rave’N Outfit
When Wednesday finally decides to attend the Rave’N, Thing surprises her with the outfit she admired in town. Made even more memorable by Wednesday’s dance, the dress is also striking on its own, with its deep black color and sheer designs. It’s also significant for Wednesday: it marks her beginning to conform to the traditions of Nevermore, while still retaining her unique spirit. Netflix shared that Atwood’s goal with the dress was to show Wednesday “trying to fit in, but not quite fitting.” While she begins to enjoy her school experience, she still does it her way and stands out.
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