Why the first digital fashion brand Showpo is adopting AI fashion models

The fashion industry has long been criticized for relying on a small sample size to showcase clothing. But the cost and logistical burden has meant that displaying clothing in a range of sizes has not been commercially viable for many businesses.

“Shooting catalog photography on multiple models can be very expensive, making it not commercially viable for most businesses. It’s a major factor in why the industry hasn’t been able to move forward in this space,” explained Showpo founder Jane Lu. CMO.

However, against this is the growing demand for fashion brands to adapt to body diversity and acceptance movements and move away from using petite models to showcase their clothing. In line with this, Australian-owned and social media-led e-commerce brand Showpo recently adopted technology that enables it to use artificial intelligence (AI) models, allowing its clothing to be displayed in a wider range of large body sizes.

“AI models allow for a more diverse range of models at scale, as a garment can easily be shot and applied to a wider variety of models that fit our diverse range of sizes 4-20,” said Lu.

The AI ​​technology driving this innovation will allow brands like Showpo to develop personalized content for different audiences, while saving on costs, Lu continued. The decision to merge fashion with technology also allows Showpo to provide a wider range of diversity in its e-commerce films.

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