Mastodon, the new emerging platform? Everything you need to know about the app!

As the world knows, Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, got Twitter and later saw a lot of changes in the organization and the environment. The app has moved from features to a content moderation council.

At this sudden change, the most active Twitter users were happy and sad at the same time. Even some famous celebrities are leaving the site and looking for a new alternative platform.

Last week, a forum caught the attention of many users, causing Google to increase searches for that forum, especially in Europe. And that platform is Mastodon.

Athe mastodon;

Mastodon is an open-source decentralized microblogging platform founded by German software developer Eugene Rochko after he was ‘hardened’ by Twitter.

The app is similar to Twitter with a few differences, for example, Mastodon users express their views while Twitter users tweet their posts.

Secondly, users can create or host their own community or join the community within Mastodon.

The app has servers managed by the user. It even shows the number of people who have joined a particular server. It has different themes like country, city and different interests like gaming, social, art and more. Users can change their server or community according to their needs by making changes in the settings section.

How to create an account on Mastodon:

Social Media is available on both Android and iOS platforms, you can easily find it in their respective stores i.e. Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Once downloaded and installed, click ‘Start’ and follow the on-screen instructions to choose a server and accept the platform rules like any other social media platform.

Then you will be asked to create an ID and password. To create an ID, the app needs your email ID and account to further verify.

How to start posting?

The process of posting photos and videos is the same as any other social media platform. But this app has some key differences.

While Twitter has a character limit of 500 characters per post, the character limit is 280 per post. Users can interact with each other by liking, retweeting or re-sharing these tweets. They have similar features to Twitter like searching for hashtags and following each other. Unlike Twitter, Mastodon has a free verification feature on their platform, although the process is slightly different.

Mastodon provides link verification, which verifies that any links in a user’s profile are owned by the real owner. For example, users can link to a personal blog or home page.

You have to join any server as per your requirement but no need to fear!! Even if you join a server, the servers are all connected, so you can monitor and communicate with those from different servers. Although each server has its own rules and content moderators, users can join those they agree to. Creation and maintenance is voluntary, so some servers require a contribution, but most are unlimited.

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