The results of the Shelby County Business Outlook Survey have been released


SHELBY CO., Ala. (WBRC) – What does it take to not only find good job candidates, but keep them?

Dozens of Shelby County business owners shared their thoughts on business issues affecting Shelby County companies in 2023.

The results of the survey were presented at the eighth annual Business Outlook conference, and one of the main topics of discussion around the survey was talent challenges.

Employers are looking at what it takes to not only hire, but to grow and retain existing employees.

The survey shows that one of the missing links is between employees and employers.

Sometimes employers forget that they need to tell their employees what to expect, as opposed to expecting the employee to know what to do.

Dr. Amy Mellon, interim dean of the Stephenson College of Business at the University of Montevallo, said the idea of ​​the survey is to start a conversation and work together to find solutions for managers and employees.

“What’s big on people’s minds right now might be employee retention,” Dr. Mellon said. “So showing these different opportunities and benefits that can start conversations and showing how to come together to make these things happen.”

Other topics that emerged from the survey included profits, spending, Shelby County’s economic direction and education resources.

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