As the economy falters, tracking the money behind the money • TechCrunch


Hello and welcome back to Equity, the startup business podcast, where we unpack the numbers and nuances behind the headlines.

This is our Wednesday show where we get down to one topic and tackle the rest. That’s what we asked today. How is the economic downturn and startup slowdown affecting VCs and venture capitalists?

As usual mid-week episodes, Natasha He was not at the helm. rather than Alex He stood up for her and brought a reporter from TechCrunch+ Venture Capital Rebecca Szkutak In the shared hosting slot. Rebecca is a performer when it comes to venture capital mechanics, making her the perfect voice for the day.

To begin with, Alex and Rebecca challenged the status quo of startups in today’s market – and made some things look bad if they were bad. From there, equity crews talk through venture capital’s response to changing market conditions. And the conversation is wrapped up in notes about what LPs are doing, whether they should be or not.

While we mostly focus on startups and founders on the pod, it’s good to step back and talk about the money every once in a while. behind the money. That’s what we did today. Enjoy!

Equity drops every Monday at 7 am PDT and Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 am PDT, so subscribe Apple Podcasts, Exaggerated, Spotify And All actors.


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